combined fabric 膠合織物
combined fat liquor 結合型加脂劑
combined filament yarn 混合長絲紗
combined flow turbine 混流式渦輪機
combined frame antenna 復合框形天線
combined glass break detector 復合式玻璃破碎檢測器
combined grain drill 聯合谷物播種機
combined grain-and-fertilizer drill 谷物肥料聯合條播機
combined harmonic antenna 復合諧波天線
combined hot and cold pressing machine 冷熱壓呢聯合機
combined hydraulic reversible setting out and samming machine 液壓可反轉式伸展均濕聯合機
combined hydrogen 化合氫
combined individual load carrying equipment 組合式個人攜行具
combined key 兩用電鍵
combined logging instrument 組合測井儀
combined magnetic starter 綜合磁力起動器
combined metal oxide semiconductor 復合金屬氧化物半導體
combined nitrogen 結合氮
combined pipe tap and drill 管用鉆孔攻絲復合刀具
combined pocket volt ammeter 組合袖珍伏安計
combined press brake and plate shears 板料折彎剪切機
combined pressure and velocity-stage turbine 壓力速度級混合式汽輪機
combined punching and shearing machine 沖剪兩用機
combined radial and axial flow turbine 輻流-軸流式渦輪機
combined radial-axial bearing 混合式徑向-軸式軸承
combined regulator 復合自動調節器
combined resonator 復合式諧振器
combined rib fabric 復合羅紋布
combined rib-tubular knit 帶羅紋的圓筒形針織物
combined rice mill 聯合輾米機
combined rice milling unit 聯合式輾米機
combined ring 組合式活塞環
combined rope 混合繩
combined scouring and milling machine 洗呢縮呢聯合機
combined shot-blast shakeout cleaning chamber 拋噴丸落砂清理室
combined sluice valve grinder 組合式閘閥研磨機
combined spinning and twisting frame 紡紗捻線聯合機
combined spreader and softener 軟麻粗梳機
combined stress fatigue tester 復合應力疲勞試驗機
combined suction and force pump 聯合真空壓力泵
combined sulfur 化合硫
combined switch 組合開關
combined taper pipe tap and core drill 擴孔鉆和錐管絲錐復合刀具
combined thrasher 聯合脫粒機
combined univiversal machine tool 組合萬能機床
combined vibrating roller 復合振動壓路機
combined view and range finder 取景測距兩用鏡
combined voltage and current transformer 電壓電流兩用變壓器
combined water pollution analyzer 水質污染組合分析儀
combined weighing and mixing machine 自動稱重拌和機
combined winnower and grader with rotary screen 旋轉篩聯合風選分級機
combined wood working machine 木工組合機床
combined wool washing and drying machine 羊毛洗烘聯合機
combined yarn 混纖絲
combing equipment of polyester fibre gauze 滌棉精梳紗布設備
combing machine 梳毛機
combizym compositum tablet 復方康彼身片
combizym tablet 康彼身片
comboys 條格披巾
comburg ordinaire 粗亞麻布
combustible analyzer 可燃性分析儀
combustible fibre 可燃纖維
combustible gas concentration monitor 可燃氣體濃度監測儀
combustible gas detector 可燃氣體探測儀
combustible gas monitor 可燃氣體監測儀
combustible gas probe 可燃氣體探測器
combustible material 易燃材料
combustible paper 香煙紙
combustible solid 易燃固體
combusting preparation 燃料制劑
combustion analyzer 燃燒分析器
combustion chamber back plate 燃燒室后鐵板
combustion chamber crown 燃燒室頂蓋板
combustion engine 內燃機
combustion fan 助燃風機
combustion fuel gas apparatus 燃燒燃料排氣測定器
combustion furnace for elementary analyzer 微量元素分析用燃燒爐
combustion gas analyzer 燃燒氣體分析器
combustion gas turbine 燃氣輪機
combustion monitor 燃燒監測儀
combustion stability monitor 燃燒穩定性監視器
combustion system of gasoline engine 汽油機射流燃燒系統
combustion tube 燃燒管
combustion type analyser 燃燒式分析器
combustion unit of harmful gas 有害氣體燃燒器
combustion-air heater 燃燒空氣加熱器
Come Alive egg roll 康萊蛋酥卷
comeback wool 歸宗羊毛
comet seeker 尋彗鏡
Comet 康麥特牌照相機
comfort & beauty feminine napkin 舒而美婦女衛生巾
Comfort Fibre 舒適纖維
comforter anchor 被扣
comforter batt stitched in cheesecloth cover 罩紗布被胎
comforter batt 被胎
comforter cover in embroidery 繡花被套
comforter cover in rayon satin 人造絲緞被套
comforter cover in sateen 綢緞被套
comforter cover 被套
comforter surface cover in printed cotton 印花棉布被面
comforter surface cover 被面
comforter 羊毛圍巾
Comiso 科米索粘膠絲束
Comite 克螨特
command data processor 命令數據處理機
command generator 指令發生器
command input coupler 指令輸入耦合器
command radio telephone 指令無線電話機
command receiver of remote control 遙控指令接收器
command receiver 指令接收機
command register 指令寄存器
command switch 指令開關
command transmitter 指令發射機
commelina communis 鴨跖草
commentator's monitor 廣播員用監視器
commercial balance 商業用秤
commercial benzene 工業苯
commercial bronze 工業青銅
commercial computer 商用計算機
commercial condensing unit 商業用壓縮冷凝機組
commercial data recorder 大量生產數據自動記錄器
commercial fibre 商品纖維
commercial helicopter 商用直升機
commercial jetliner 商用噴氣飛機
commercial lead 工業鉛
commercial magnesium 工業鎂
commercial nickel 工業鎳
commercial receiver 商用接收機
commercial refrigerator 商用冷藏柜
commercial refueler 商用加油車
commercial steel 型鋼
commercial tin 工業錫
commercial tissue 商業用薄紙
commercial titanium 工業鈦
commercial twine 包裝棉線
commercial U-tube manometer 工業U形管壓力計
commercial wax 商品蠟
commercial zinc 工業鋅
commercially pure aluminium 工業純鋁
commingler 混合器
commingling paper machine 混合型造紙機
comminutor 造粒機
commode table 柜式臺
commode 五斗櫥
Commodore 海軍準將牌汽車
Commodoro 科莫多羅牌汽車
common and braid wool 粗羊毛
common antenna 公用天線
common battery private branch exchange 共電式電話交換機
common battery switchboard 共電式交換機
common battery telephone exchange 共電式電話交換機
common battery telephone 共電式電話機
common battery 共電式電池
common bean 菜豆
common bit 帶尖鉆
common carp 鯉魚
common cattail 寬葉香蒲
common cockscomb 雞冠花
common coltsfoot flower 款冬花
common cowpea 豇豆
common dayflower 鴨跖草
common ducksmeat 紫萍
common duckweed 浮萍
common eel 鱔魚
common emitter amplifer 共發射極放大器
common fennel 小茴香
common fig 無花果
common fire tongs 普通火鉗
common flax seed 亞麻子
common foolscap paper 低級書寫紙
common gingham 普通條格布
common head cabbage 結球甘藍
common impression cylinder press 共用壓印滾筒型印刷機
common integrated processor 公共綜合處理器
common iron wire 普通鐵絲
common iron 普通鋼材
common jasminorange 九里香
common knotgrass 扁蓄草
common lathe 普通車床
common memory 共用存儲器
common mussel 紫貽貝
common myrrh tree 沒藥
common nail 普通鐵釘
common nautical instrument 普通航海儀器
common nepenthes 豬籠草
common nightblooming cereus 劍花
common niobium oxide 普通氧化鈮
common orange 甜橙
common origanum 牛至
common pile driver 人工打樁機
common plastic cement floor 普通型塑膠地板
common pomfret 鯧魚
common reed rhizome 蘆根
common round iron wire nail 普通元釘
common rue 蕓香
common rush 燈心花
common salt 食鹽
common silk and cotton mixed fabric 繭布
common smoketree 黃櫨
common St. Paulswort 浠薟草
common steel 普通鋼
common tantalum oxide 普通氧化鉭
common tyre and engineering tyre production technology 普通和工程輪胎生產技術
common velvet 普通天鵝絨
common walnut 胡桃
common-base amplifier 共基極放大器
common-collector amplifer 共集電極放大器
common-emitter junction phototransistor 共發射極結型光電晶體管
commonly used computational software of river water quality predicting 河流常用水質預測計算軟件
communication cable 通信電纜
communication cock 通信塞門
communication computer 通信計算機
communication electronic equipment 通信電子設備
communication equipment 通信設備
communication facilities 交通工具
communication jammer 通信干擾器
communication laser 通信激光器
communication monitor 通信監聽器
communication multiplexer 通信多路復用器
communication receiver 通信接收機
communication satellite 通信衛星
communication security device 通信保密裝置
communication spectrum analyzer 通信頻譜分析儀
communication tower 通信塔
communication transceiver 通信收發信機
community antenna 共用天線
commutating capacitor 換向電容器
commutating diode 整流二極管
commutating machine 整流電機
commutating pole generator 換向極發電機
commutating pole motor 換向極電動機
commutating pole winding 換向極繞組
commutating reactor 換向電抗器
commutation capacitor 換向電容器
commutation condenser 換向電容器
commutation switch 換向開關
commutator bar 整流條
commutator brush 換向器電刷
commutator bush 換向器套筒
commutator controller 整流子控制器
commutator ear 換向片耳叉
commutator frequency changer 整流子頻率變換機
commutator frequency converter 整流式變頻器
commutator generator 整流子發電機
commutator induction motor 換向式感應電動機
commutator insulating ring 換向器絕緣環
commutator lug 換向器接線片
commutator machine 整流子式電機
commutator micanite sheet 整流子用云母紙
commutator modulator 換向調制器
commutator motor type integrating meter 整流子電動機式積量計
commutator motor 整流電動機
commutator rectifier 換向整流器
commutator ring 整流子環
commutator riser 整流子豎片
commutator segment 換向器片
commutator sleeve 整流子襯套
commutator spider 換向器星輪
commutator transformer 整流變壓器
commutator tube 整流子管
commutator type analog-digital converter 換向器型模擬-數字交換器
commutator type frequency converter 整流子式變頻器
commutator type function generator 換向器型函數發生器
commutator type watthour meter 換向式瓦特小時計
commutator variable speed motor 換向器變速電動機
commutator 整流子
commutatorless machine 無換向器電機
Comol 科莫爾鈷鉬鐵永磁合金
Comos 科莫斯牌手表
compact battery 小型電池
compact cloth 緊密織物
compact disk auto cleaner 高密度磁盤自動清潔劑
compact disk 高密度磁盤
compact heat exchanger 緊湊式熱交換器
compact radio cassette recorder 小型收錄機
compact radio 小型無線電接收機
compact sounder 袖珍探魚儀
compact spinning unit 短程紡絲機
compact winch 緊湊式絞車
compacted graphite 壓實石墨
compacted ration 壓縮干糧
compacted yarn 氣流噴射交纏絲
compacting press 壓實機
compactor 搗固錘
compactron 小型電子管
compandor 壓伸器
Compaq Computer 康帕克牌計算機
comparative microscope 比較顯微鏡
comparative type thermal conductivity instrument 熱導率比測儀
comparator micrometer 比較千分尺
comparator relay 比較繼電器
comparator 比較器
comparer 比較儀
comparison lamp 比較燈
comparison microscope 比較用顯微鏡
comparison oscillator 比較振蕩器
comparison oscilloscope 比較示波器
comparison spectroscope 比譜分光鏡
comparoscope 比較顯微鏡
compartment tube ball mill 多倉管式球磨機
compartmented agitator 隔室式混合器
Compas 康派斯牌襯衫
compass adjuster 羅盤調整器
compass bow 小圓規
compass calipers 量圓卡
compass for drawing 繪圖用圓規
compass locator station 羅盤定位臺
compass rose 羅盤刻度盤
compass saw blade 雞尾手鋸條
compass saw with plastic handle 塑料柄雞尾鋸
compass saw with wooden handle 木柄雞尾鋸
compass saw 斜形狹圓鋸
compass set 套裝學生圓規和學生尺
compass station 羅盤測向電臺
compass tube 雷達顯示管
compass 羅經
compass-magnifier 羅經放大鏡
compatible monochrome receiver 兼容制黑白電視接收機
compensated amplifier 補償放大器
compensated capacitor 補償電容器
compensated cavity 補償空腔共振器
compensated current transformer 補償電流變感器
compensated gamma-ray chamber 補償型伽嗎射線箱
compensated generator 補償發電機
compensated induction generator 補償感應式發電機
compensated induction motor 補償感應電動機
compensated instrument transformer 補償測量變壓器
compensated ionization chamber 補償式電離箱
compensated loop direction finder 補償環測向儀
compensated loop 補償環
compensated motor 補償電動機
compensated reflector 補償反射器
compensated regulator 補償穩壓器
compensated repulsion motor 補償推斥式電動機
compensated series motor 補償串激式電動機
compensating air valve 補償空氣閥
compensating attenuation meter 衰減補償測量器
compensating bar 均力桿
compensating brush 補償電刷
compensating coil 補償線圈
compensating condenser 補償電容器
compensating evaporator 補償蒸發器
compensating filter 補償濾波器
compensating gear 差速齒輪
compensating magnet 補償磁鐵
compensating mirror 補償鏡
compensating nozzle 補償油嘴
compensating pole 補償極
compensating resistor 補償電阻器
compensating shunt 補償式分流器
compensating tube 補償管
compensating universal shunt 補償式通用分流器
compensating voltmeter 補償式伏特計
compensating winding 補償繞組
compensation apparatus 補償器
compensation condenser 補償電容器
compensation device 補償器
compensation ocular 補償目鏡
compensation resistor 補償電阻器
compensation ring 補償環
compensation tank 補償水箱
compensator balancer 補償平衡器
compensator knob 補償器旋鈕
compensator 補償鏡
compilation scale 編繪圖比例尺
compiler 程序編制器
complement flip flop 互補雙穩態觸發器
complementary metal oxide-semiconductor 互補金屬氧化物半導體
complementary transistor 互補晶體管
complementary unijunction transistor 互補單結晶體管
complementer 補數器
complete beet harvester 甜菜聯合收割機
complete broiler finisher feed 大肉雞全料
complete broiler starter feed 小肉雞全料
complete cotton and blend spinning equipment 成套棉與混紡紡紗設備
complete cotton and blend weaving equipment 成套棉與混紡織布設備
complete electrical equipment 全套電氣設備
complete equipment for calcium carbonate plant 碳酸鈣廠成套設備
complete equipment for cane sugar factory 甘蔗糖廠成套設備
complete equipment for cement plant 水泥廠成套設備
complete equipment for confectionary production 硬糖生產成套設備
complete equipment for fibre board plant 纖維板廠成套設備
complete equipment for high frequency induction quenching 高頻感應淬火成套設備
complete equipment for hydro power station 水電站成套設備
complete equipment for ice making 制冷成套設備
complete equipment for jute and ramie textile mill 黃麻及苧麻紡織廠生產成套設備
complete equipment for knitting fabrics and hosiery 針織物生產成套設備
complete equipment for making bricks 成套制磚設備
complete equipment for making medical adhesive plaster 醫用橡皮膏生產成套設備